Friday, July 10, 2009



Education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character, or physical ability of an individual.Education is the process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, values, and skills from one generation to another through institutions..In addition there is an array of education possible at the informal level, e.g., at museums and libraries, with the Internet, and in life experience.


Education is a broad concept, referring to all the experiences in which students can learn something:
* Instruction refers to the intentional facilitating of learning toward identified objectives, delivered either by an instructor or other forms.
* Teaching refers to the actions of a real live instructor designed to impart learning to the student.
* Teaching refers to learning with a view toward preparing learners with specific knowledge, skills, or abilities that can be applied immediately upon completion.

Importance of Education to Youths

Education serves as the means to bring about the desired change in society, to develop a generation of virtuous individuals and thus contribute to the development of good human beings. The fundamental purpose of education is to gain knowledge, inculcate the forms of proper conduct and acquire technical competency. Education serves as the means to develop oneself physically, mentally and socially. The importance of education to youths manifests itself in terms of the need to cultivate the youths of society into mature individuals. Education is important for the youths, as youth is their growing stage. It is the time to develop the principles of life, make career decisions and begin the pursuit of one's goals.

Education to the youths should consist of the training that is an extension to their fields of interest. The education should help the youths define their career objectives, decide what they want from life and enable them to achieve success in their fields of interest. Education to youths must aim at helping an individual form a skill set and work upon it to develop expertise in the areas of his/her interest. The education for youths should consist of courses that can help the youths with their careers and aims of life.

How to Become an Educated Person?

To function as an educated person in today's world, you need to have some level of skill in the following areas: Reading, writing, calculating, thinking, and computing.

The most basic skill that any educated person has is the ability to read. Most are very good readers. In reading, you don’t only read what is written but you also need to understand what you are reading. If you are a good reader, you must learn something about what you are reading . You must not become a human sponge for all of the information that is thrown your way. Rather you must turn yourself into a human filtering device that lets in only solid data and blocks out questionable information.

Another basic skill that an educated person has is the ability to write. Educated persons know how to get their point. Their readers should be able to comprehend what they are saying without having to second guess them. The writing is full of clarity and brevity. Grammatical mistakes don't get in the way of the message. If you are to be an educated person, your writing, too, must be clear, concise, grammatically correct, plus inviting and relaxing.

Another skill that an educated person has is the ability to calculate. Educated people know how to do basic arithmetic. They are skilled in practical math. Sure, many of them might not know how to do algebra, trigonometry, statistics, or calculus, but they do know how to do the math that need to use in everyday life. They know how to add and subtract, multiply and divide, and do fractions and percentages.

A fourth skill that an educated person has is the ability to think critically. They know how to think for themselves. They know whether or not something makes sense. Some of it is good and a lot of it is bad. Being critical thinkers, educated people know what to add and what not to add to their knowledge reservoir. They screen out that which is questionable and save only that which has a basis in fact. You must learn to scrutinize all the information that comes your way, and add only that information to your database that is rooted in reality.

Finally, a fifth and last skill that an educated person has is the ability to use a computer. They know how to use a word process to create or save a document. They know how to use email to communicate electronically. And they know how to use the Internet to surf the Web for the information that they are looking for online. Let's face it: We live in an information world. More and more of that information is coming to us by the World Wide Web. The computer is the paper and pencil of today. If you are to become an educated person in today's world, you need to start learn to use it today.